Top Speed Reading

{February 20, 2008}   Reading For Leisure

blue-hills.jpg Casual reading tends to be “light”, thus, the main purpose of the reader in performing this type of reading is when he has ample time in such activity. Light reading is done according to the following:

Read at a pace that feels comfortable.

Read while understanding.

Skim the boring, irrevelant passages.

An average light reading speed is 100-200 words per minute. This form of reading does not generally require detailed concentration.

“Word by word reading”

This type of reading is time consuming and demands a high level of concentration. It is done by reading a word after every word. Some materials are not readily understood, so they require slow and careful analytical reading. People use this type of reading for unfamiliar words and concepts, scientific formulas, and technical materials. It can take up to an hour, just to read a few paragraphs or chapter of the text.

The main method used in reading to study is called”Sq3R”. It’s aim is to understand the material in some depth. The method involves five simple steps, namely SURVEY,QUESTION, READ, RECALL and REVIEW, in which the name came from.

SURVEY:skim thoroughly to gain an overview and note key points.

QUESTION: devise questions you hope the text will answer.

READ: slowly and carefully.

RECALL: from memory, write down the main points made by the chapter.

REVIEW: revisit and answer the questions you first raised. Compare these to your recall and establish how well the text answered them. Fill in any gaps by further reading.

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